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2023-09-30 17:48:32
今天小编为大家分享热门的游戏排行榜、游戏攻略!希望能够帮助到大家!模拟人生密码有什么?先按CTRL+SHIFT+C打开秘技窗口 Kaching Adds §1.000,- to household funds 增加1,000金钱 Mothe



先按CTRL+SHIFT+C打开秘技窗口 Kaching Adds §1.000,- to household funds 增加1,000金钱 Motherlode Adds §50.000,- to household funds 增加50,000金钱 Moveobjects on/off Move unmovable objects 可以移动不能移动的物品到任何地方 Aging -on/-off Sims won't age 你的小人不再有年龄增长 StretchSkeleton (number) Make you sim smaller or higher. 2.0 double size, 0.5 half size, etc. 使你的小人放大缩小,注意:不是说你的小人的体形或者年龄,而是在屏幕上面的大小啊,就好像大人国跟小人国那样的,最大可以两倍,最小为0.5倍就是一半 intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 You can invite more guests with a party. Can change last number to anything higher or lower. Use in Neighbourhood screen. 你可以邀请更多的朋友来你的party了,当然可以增加也可以减少的,注意:要在社区模式里面使用 boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false Use 'false' to place objects out of grid. 用"false"来打开此秘技,"true"关闭,作用是使物品家具等等不受方格的限制,可以任意移动 boolprop constrainFloorElevation true/false Use 'false' to make it possible to raise or lower the floor even when there are objects, flooring or walls on it. 使用"flase"来打开此秘技,这样即使上面有物品或者地板,或者围墙的地皮也可以升高跟降低,PS.造屋高手不可少的秘技!,输入"true"关闭此秘技 Autopatch on/off Toggles notification of available game patches 不提示游戏更新 Vsync on/off Turning off increases game performance but with some graphical errors as the price 关闭游戏效果表现,忽略一些物理错误 Help Lists some, but not all cheats 列出一些秘技,但是不是全部 Exit Closes cheat window 关闭秘技窗口 Expand Expands or contracts the cheat window 打开并且保留秘技窗口 faceBlendLimits -on/off When making a child in CAS, this cheat can turn off facial bounding limitations 这个不是很理解,按翻译说是,当你在CAS生小孩的时候,这个秘技可以解决一些形式上的局限吧------------------ deleteAllCharacters Removes every sim from the neighbourhood 删掉所有社区人物,慎用之 TerrainType desert/temperate Toggles between two terrain types 在2种地形之间套上那种Toggles的东西?(实在不懂意思,知道的帮忙解释一下) ----------------------- Slowmotion 0-8 0 is normal speed and 8 is slower 游戏进行速度,0是正常,8是最慢 Building: You can have up to 5 floors without, or 4 floors with foundation. If you build a tall roof, you can also get an attic and place objects there, provided that the base is wide enough. 你可以把地升高倒5层楼那么高而不需要地基? intProp chanceOfTwins 100 在make love(亲热,想要一个小孩,黑哟)之后,如果提示音乐(就是提示你怀孕了的那段音乐)的时候输入此秘技,即可100%的生双胞胎 days off from work 得到更多的休假 Sickness and Death 可以得到更多的途径死亡 colds(感冒), flu(流感), pneumonia(肺炎), food poisoning(食物中毒), morning sickness(怀孕) a virus(病毒)


官方秘技 先按CTRL+SHIFT+C弹出CONSOLE窗口,记住以下密码大小写有区别: Kaching = 加1000元 exit = 退出 expand = Expands the cheat window. moveObjects on = Turns moving of objects on. moveObjects off = Turns moving of objects off. aging -on = Turns aging of sims on. aging -off = Turns aging of sims off. autoPatch -on = 打开游戏自动更新 autoPatch -off = 关闭游戏自动更新 slowMotion # = Make you set the game speed. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal) 下面的剩下的秘技你必须要有"PostProcessing"的支持! boolProp enablePostProcessing true = Turns Postprocessing on. boolProp enablePostProcessing false = Tuens Postprocessing off. bloom rgb # = Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) vignette # # # = Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) filmGrain # = Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) letterBox # = Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) 有关摇钱树 摇钱树确实可以得到许多钱,我种了10颗,每天采集摇钱树的钱就有好几百,将近一千了。但是有一个问题始终困扰着我,就是别人也可以到我的摇钱树上摘钱。开party的时候,我树上的钱刚长出来,顷刻就被大伙摘个精光,我紧赶慢赶,才摘到一棵树。更可气的是,连雇佣的园丁都来摘钱,令我十分气愤


boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true 这个是模拟人生2的秘籍MOVE_OBJECTS ON 是模拟人生1的 秘籍


