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2023-11-23 00:46:08
今天小编为大家分享热门好玩的手游、好玩的网络游戏、游戏排行榜、游戏攻略!希望能够帮助到大家!DNF国人玩家上头条寻美服BUG获奖励,以下为大家做具体介绍!  2月20日(北京时间)官网公告。汇报BUG活动第二季的获奖名单已经公布。一共160







  1.Item Inventory sorting items by slots options display behind the Item Inventory window。

  In the Item Inventory window, a gear button near the Sort Item button, which is the option button, when pressed, the Sort Item Option window displays behind the Item Inventory window。 It should be displayed in front of the Item Inventory window。 (pic。 1, pic。 2)


  2.An item in Hotkeys Settings window untranslated

  In the system tab, HotKeys Settings window, there is an untranslated item。 Open Game Menu, and select “Hotkeys”。 Open the Hotkeys Settings window, and switch to System tab。 In the fifth line on the left, there is a “Not Available” item。 Set it to a key, and save。 Press the key, and it shows Goblin PIN window。 This item, in the Hotkeys Settings window, should be translated into “Goblin PIN”。 (pic.3, pic.4)

  2.键盘设置的“系统”选项卡的左边第5项写了个“Not Available”,本来是哥布林密保。

  3.A text issue found in tooltip of equipments

  Open Item Inventory window, switch to the Equip tab。 Move the mouse to an equipment, and the tooltips of the equipment shows。 However, a text issue of the equipment quality is found。 If the quality is “Weak”, it displays “Weal”。 It should be “Weak”。 Because the key “L” is just near the key “K”, the text issue might be an input mistake。 (pic。 1)


  4.In Character Status window(My Status, Other‘s Information window) IGN and class name overlap

  Open My Status window, or open other‘s information window。 Sometimes, in the window, the IGN and class name overlap。 I don’t know whether it is because the IGN or the class name is too long to fit in the line, or of any other reason。 (pic。 2)


  5.A text issue found in a title of an epic quest item

  A quest item in an epic quest of the dungeon Furtz Power Plant of the area Power Station has no name。 The quest name is “Magtonium”。 After accepting the quest, an item will be automatically obtained in the quest tab of the Item Inventory。 However, this item has no name。 Maybe the item should be named “Magtonium Sample”。 (pic.1, pic.2, pic.3)



